Learn about issues that impact your work — and discover new ideas — this spring!

Hands-on, affordable training is coming to a city near you. Join your city colleagues as you explore new tools to help you in your work. Mark your calendar for the 2025 Spring Loss Control Workshops!

See the full event brochure (PDF)

  • Hear the latest news that impacts the work you do for your city.
  • Get tips and tricks for managing risk and common safety challenges.
  • Learn about new regulations and laws that affect cities.
  • Obtain a variety of professional credits.
  • Network with peers from neighboring cities.

Register now!

Dates and locations: 

March 25 – BemidjiApril 15 – Rochester
March 26 – AlexandriaApril 17 – St. Paul
April 2 – Springfield April 22 – Virginia
April 3 – St. Cloud April 23 – Plymouth
More details about individual locations…
Register for a Workshop!

Who should attend?

We all play a role in loss control! All city employees are invited to attend and find new ways to keep their cities safe and protected.

  • City Administrators/Managers
  • Clerks
  • First Responders and Firefighters
  • Human Resources
  • Communications Specialists 
  • Police 
  • City Insurance Agents
  • Parks & Rec
  • Public Works
  • Risk Management
  • IT Staff
  • Elected Officials


Includes lunch!

Track Overview

Designed to meet the needs of city staff in a variety of key roles, Loss Control Workshop sessions are divided into tracks. Stick with your area of expertise, or pick and choose courses based on areas you would like to learn more about. All sessions are open to any attendee.

Administrative Track simple icon of a city hall type building

Join us for fast-paced sessions designed for clerks, administrators, and other city staff. We are digging into residential zoning, data practices, digital accessibility and more — allowing city employees in any role to expand their loss control toolbox.

  • View Administrative Track - Individual Sessions

    8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
    Residential Zoning Basics 

    Zoning and building codes shape where and how people live in your city. Review land use basics with a focus on the history of single-family zoning, and recent critiques and reform efforts. We’ll consider housing density, accessory dwellings, and various statutory protections.

    9:30 – 9:45 a.m.
    9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
    Data Practices: Wrangling Your Data

    You have data—learn how to use it! We will discuss keeping a data inventory, good data hygiene, handling data practices requests, and technology tools for data management.

    10:45 – 11:30 a.m.
    Loss Control for Work Comp Experience Modifications (E-Mods)

    Understanding your e-mod is an effective tool in distinguishing your city’s workers’ compensation profile, and this knowledge is essential when budgeting. This session will explore e-mods and provide tools to manage your city’s workers’ compensation modification rate.

    11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
    12:15 – 1:45 p.m.
    Digital Accessibility

    Experts from WeCo, a Minnesota company that specializes in digital accessibility, will share tips and demonstrate the different ways individuals living with disabilities interact with electronic formats and the internet. This session is an excellent introduction to digital accessibility for any member of city staff.

    1:45 – 2 p.m.
    2 – 2:30 p.m.
    Creating Safe Rental Communities

    Learn how to foster relationships between tenants, local law enforcement and city staff to decrease crime and increase community partnerships while ensuring any ordinances do not run afoul of laws like the Americans with Disabilities Act.

    2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
    Fostering Inclusive Governance Through Roles and Responsibilities

    This session teaches city leaders the basic duties of their roles and how to go beyond those basic duties to foster an inclusive environment where all city elected officials, city employees, and community members feel heard, valued, and represented.

    Return to all tracks.


Police Tracksimple icon depicting a police badge

We have a full day of practical loss-control solutions for police and public safety personnel. We will be discussing what top performing agencies do to improve wellness and reduce incidents. We will also explore earning buy-in, after-action reviews, near-miss initiatives, and the League’s Training Safety Officer program.

  • View Police Track - Individual Sessions

    8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
    Earning Team Buy-In 

    Gaining team support is essential for leaders to implement new initiatives successfully. True buy-in goes beyond compliance—it happens when the team is genuinely invested in the journey ahead. This session will explore proven strategies to foster commitment, build trust, and drive successful change.

    9:30 – 9:45 a.m.
    9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
    After-Action Reviews and Law Enforcement Officer Near-Miss Initiatives

    Identify how Minnesota’s top performing public safety agencies practice after-action reviews and near-miss incident reporting to reduce incidents and claims.

    10:45 – 11:30 a.m.
    Training Safety Officer (TSO2) Program 

    Learn about the League’s award-winning TSO program, designed to reduce police training injuries. We have updated this program to include after-action reviews and officer wellness and safety.

    11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
    12:15 – 1:15 p.m.
    Benchmark Analytics: Research-Backed Public Safety Wellness

    The League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust has completed the third year of its groundbreaking research study with Benchmark Analytics! This initiative uses predictive analysis to identify key risk factors for member law enforcement agencies and provides evidence-based recommendations to address them. This session will highlight the wellness practices and programs of top-performing agencies. 

    1:15 – 3:30 p.m.
    Transforming Wellness in Public Safety: Strategies for Personal and Organizational Health

    Wellness is a journey that encompasses both personal and organizational growth, rooted in biological, environmental, and psychological systems. While various strategies can be employed to achieve desired outcomes, it’s important to recognize that current wellness approaches may not be sufficient to reach our goals. In this session, we will explore key mechanisms that promote healthy organizations and discuss how to adjust our strategies to create a more holistic model for improving performance and well-being. We will also delve into the principles and mindsets that drive success, along with strategies organizations can use to cultivate a healthy culture.

    Looking for POST credits? Get more information about credits.

    Return to all tracks.


Public Works and Parks & Recreation Track

simple icon of a striped construction cone

Workplace safety topics designed with public works and parks employees in mind. We are taking a closer look at common workplace hazards, including a special focus on chemical handling and safety. We will also look at Minnesota Local Technical Assistance (MnLTAP) training and resources available to your city. 

  • View Public Works and Parks & Rec Track - Individual Sessions

    8:30 – 9:30 a.m.
    Identifying and Addressing Workplace Hazards

    Explore two key workplace safety components: hazard identification and analysis. In “Spot the Hazard,” you will learn to quickly recognize risks using real-world scenarios and practical solutions. “Job Hazard Analysis” will focus on examining tasks, identifying risks, and implementing preventive measures.

    9:30 – 9:45 a.m.
    9:45 – 10:45 a.m.
    Minnesota Local Technical Assistance Program (MnLTAP) Training and Resources

    Learn about statewide training and resources provided through MnLTAP. Receive an introduction to Work Zone Safety Training and learn about the tools available through the Local Roads Research Board.

    10:45 – 11:30 a.m.
    Safe and Compliant Chemical Storage and Handling

    Get essential information about chemical safety and OSHA compliance. From proper labeling to handling techniques to chemical hazards, we will discuss how to inventory, store, and use common chemicals safely.

    11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

    Stay for the afternoon! Want to learn even more? We recommend joining the Administrative track in the afternoon, where we will be discussing digital accessibility, rental ordinances, and fostering inclusive governance. 

    Looking for credits? Get more information about credits.

    Return to all tracks.


Agent Track simple icon of a briefcase

Prepare for the year ahead! Designed for insurance agents supporting Minnesota cities, start the afternoon with important updates to the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust and loss control programs.

  • View Agent Track - Individual Sessions (AFTERNOON)

    Attend a morning track! Want to learn even more? Administrative, Police, and Public Works/Parks & Rec tracks are open to all attendee. Insurance agents and adjusters are welcome to join morning tracks to learn more about Minnesota city issues and earn additional credits. 

    11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
    12:15 – 1:15 p.m.
    Tort Liability and Governmental Immunities: Balancing Accountability and Protection

    Explore the dynamics of tort liability and governmental immunities, examining how the law balances holding public entities accountable while protecting their functions. This presentation covers key concepts, legal frameworks, and practical applications with insights to mitigate risk.

    1:15 – 2:30 p.m.
    LMCIT Updates

    Learn about recent updates to the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust property/casualty and workers’ compensation programs, including coverage and rate changes and dividend returns. (Note: This session includes a break.) 

    2:30 – 3:30 p.m.
    What?! That’s Really Not Covered?

    LMCIT strives to extend coverage for losses whenever possible—but some claims are not covered. Learn more about a range of claims that are not covered and why. Discover helpful tips to recognize claims that might not be covered and how scheduling member property can assist the city and claims staff to more efficiently identify and handle claims.


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Continuing Education Credits

Credits sought:

  • Water operator credits 
  • POST credits (for peace officers) 

We anticipate credits will be approved for several sessions, and we will update you as credit amounts become available. 

Approved Credits: 

  • Water operator credits (3 hours for half day; 6 hours for full day). Morning track approved: public works/parks & rec track; afternoon track approved: administrative track
  • Insurance agent/adjuster CEUs (2.75 hours for morning; 3 hours for afternoon). All tracks are approved for credits.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellations must be sent via email to [email protected] seven (7) business days prior to the workshop. No refunds will be made for cancellations received after this date.

If you are unable to attend, please consider sending a substitute. Substitutions are permitted up to the day of the event. Please notify staff at the check-in desk of any on-site substitutions.